Adding nicotine concentrate to your e-liquid is very simple however, it should be done with care and attention due to the fact that nicotine concentrate is dangerous if consumed directly. Avoid direct contact with nicotine concentrate by using protective gloves and use accurate measuring tools, such as measuring syringes.
In general, the human tolerance to nicotine when using it as an e-liquid is up to 18mg/ml (or 1.8%) for Freebase Nicotine e-liquids and as high as 50mg/ml (or 5%) for Nicotine Salt e-liquids.
For more information visit:
- What’s The Difference Between Freebase Nicotine and Nicotine Salts?
- What Strength E-liquid Should I Use?
How To Add Nicotine Concentrate To Your Bottle Of E-liquid
Use the calculator below to workout how much of your nicotine concentrate needs to be added to your bottle of e-liquid to make your target strength. Before adding nicotine concentrate to your bottle of e-liquid, ensure you are wearing protective gloves. Open both your nicotine concentrate and your bottle of e-liquid and carefully add the required amount to nicotine concentrate to your bottle of e-liquid using a reliable measuring tool (like a syringe).
It is important to remember that when adding nicotine concentrate to your bottle of e-liquid, you first need to remove the same amount from your bottle of e-liquid.
For example, if you have calculated that 0.9ml needs to be added to your 30ml bottle of e-liquid, to make 3mg strength. You will first need to remove 0.9ml from your 30ml bottle of e-liquid before adding the 0.9ml of nicotine concentrate.

Once you have added the nicotine to your bottle of e-liquid, ensure that it is thoroughly mixed through the bottle, by shaking the bottle of e-liquid for a few minutes.
Shake you e-liquid bottle for a few minutes after adding the nicotine concentrate, to ensure the nicotine concentrate is evenly dispersed throughout your e-liquid bottle.
How To Use the Nicotine Calculator
Use the calculator below to calculate, how much or the nicotine concentrate needs to be added to your bottle of e-liquid to make your target strength (required strength). The first cell ‘Target Strength (mg/ml)’ is the strength you would like to make your e-liquid. The second cell ‘Nicotine Concentrate Strength (mg/ml)’ is the strength (concentration) of your nicotine concentrate. In most cases this will be 100(mg/ml). The third cell ‘Bottle Size (ml)’ is the size (or volume) of your bottle of e-liquid.
[ezfc id=’1′ /]Step-By-Step Summary
How To Add Nicotine Concentrate To Your Bottle Of E-liquid
Step 1: Ensure you are prepared and have protective gloves and measuring measuring syringes.
Step 2: Calculate the amount of nicotine concentrate that needs to be added to your bottle of e-liquid, to make your target (required) strength. See, What Strength E-liquid Should I Use? for more information.
Step 3: Open both the bottle of nicotine concentrate and your bottle of e-liquid. Put the protective gloves on and get the measuring syringe ready.
Step 4: Remove the amount calculated from step 2, from your bottle of e-liquid. This amount can be discarded (thrown away) or saved for future use, but will not be need again for this particular bottle of e-liquid.
Step 5: Add the same amount (as calculated in step 2) of nicotine concentrate back to your bottle of e-liquid. Your bottle of e-liquid should now be the same volume it was in the beginning of the process.
Step 6: Put the lid back on the bottle of e-liquid and shake for a few minutes. It is important to ensure that the nicotine concentrate is evenly diluted throughout your bottle of e-liquid before use.
Step 7: Store your nicotine concentrate (in particular the Nicotine Freebase) in the fridge or freezer to reduce oxidation and to maintain its quality. See, What’s The Difference Between Freebase Nicotine and Nicotine Salts? for more information.