Author Archives: admin

What’s The Difference Between Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) and Direct-To-Lung (DTL or DL) Vaping?

What's The Difference Between Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) and Direct-To-Lung (DTL or DL) Vaping?

MTL vaping is inhaling the same way you would smoke a traditional cigarette, by drawing the vapour up into mouth before inhaling it down into you lungs. MTL devices have restricted airflow and    MTL vaping is inhaling the same way you would smoke a traditional cigarette, by drawing the vapour up into mouth before […]

What Strength E-liquid Should I Use?

Using Nicotine Salts With a Direct-To-Lung (DTL or DL) Device It is not usual for people to use Nicotine Salts when Direct-Lung vaping. However recently there have been a number of e-liquid companies that are developing nicotine salt based e-liquids for Direct-Lung use. Typically people are using strengths similar to Freebase Nicotine e-liquids and in […]

What’s The Difference Between Freebase Nicotine and Nicotine Salts?


WHAT IS FREE BASE NICOTINE? Freebase Nicotine is the most common form of nicotine used in e-liquid. Freebase Nicotine is a highly purified form of nicotine that was first developed in the 60’s by stripping the Nicotine molecule down to its fundamental structure. The process of creating Freebase Nicotine involves stripping the nicotine molecule of […]

How To Add Nicotine Concentrate To Your E-liquid

Once you have added the nicotine to your bottle of e-liquid, ensure that it is thoroughly mixed through the bottle, by shaking the bottle of e-liquid for a few minutes.  Shake you e-liquid bottle for a few minutes after adding the nicotine concentrate, to ensure the nicotine concentrate is evenly dispersed throughout your e-liquid bottle.    […]